SPACE's Sarah Bedwell Becomes an Architect

SPACE would like to congratulate Sarah Bedwell on achieving her RIBA Part 3 qualification and becoming an architect. 

Reflecting on her experience, Sarah said, "I was delighted to receive the news that I had passed my Part 3 Qualification while holidaying in Portugal. While the journey to becoming an architect has been long and challenging, the close support and invaluable experience I have gained at SPACE have equipped me with improved confidence and knowledge as I enter the profession."

Sarah has been associated with SPACE for a considerable period and has found it to be the ideal place to pursue her Part 3. 

"I am grateful to the practice for providing me with a proactive learning environment that has helped me fulfil my aspirations," Sarah added.

Upon hearing the news, CEO Rob Charlton expressed his delight for Sarah, stating, "Sarah's recent qualification is a testament to her hard work and determination. We are thrilled to witness the beginning of her promising career and are excited for the continued value she brings to our team and projects."

Sarah's perseverance and efforts have undoubtedly paid off, as she is now a proud holder of the architect title. Congratulations, Sarah, from everyone at SPACE! We are proud to have you as a member of our team, and we look forward to seeing all that you will accomplish.

SPACE is committed to providing aspiring architects with the best possible environment to hone their skills. The strong learning and growth culture that the practice has fostered aims to help architects like Sarah achieve their goals. Discover more about developing you career with SPACE here.

